
Why You Should Have a Lift Chair Tag: lift chairs

When it comes to getting older, it’s not just getting around that can become more difficult due to mobility issues, it can also affect the more sedentary parts of our day. This is especially true when it comes to how and where we choose to sit down, relax, and unwind.

Standard chairs can often be uncomfortable, as well as presenting a challenge when it comes to easily standing up from and sitting back down in them. That’s where lift chairs come in. Lift chairs are designed to aid with mobility issues and provide a comfortable experience for all people. Here’s our guide to why lift chairs are important, and what options are available to you when purchasing a lift chair. 

Why You Need a Lift Chair Tag: lift chairs

Reclining lift chair

When it comes to people who are dealing with mobility issues, it isn’t just a matter of how they get around when they’re outside their home, but also being able to navigate their own home with safety and comfort. 

For this, there are a number of different mobility aids that will be able to significantly improve their quality of life. In this post we’re going to look at one of those aids: the Lift Chair. We’ll cover what a lift chair is, and why you or your elderly relatives should have one in their home. 

Benefits of Using a Lift Chair Tag: lift chairs

A lift chair is an electric powered armchair allowing the user to adjust it to safely lower themselves into a seated position, or lift them into standing. This mechanism alleviates the strain and pressure that can come from getting in and out of a chair, and makes users less dependent on others for assistance.

We carry a variety of lift chairs, also known as recliner chairs, and so here is a look at some benefits and specific chair highlights.

A Buying Guide For Finding The Right Mobility Chair Tag: lift chairs

Living room with brown lift chair

Whether you’re settling down with a good book, curling up with your pet, or simply relaxing after a long day - a comfortable chair can go a long way to making your home a better place to be. 

This is something many of us take for granted, but for people who struggle with mobility issues, getting in and out of a chair can make life difficult. That’s why mobility lift chairs (and getting the right one for you) is so important. 

To help you find the perfect mobility lift chair, we have put together this handy guide.

Aids To Daily Living Tag: lift chairs

There are aids designed to ensure your daily life is safer and easier for you, all while allowing you to maintain your independence. Concern over whether or not they will be able to carry on living in their own home is usually one of the first things we hear from our customers. This is often complicated by the change in mobility and needs that comes with aging.

Thankfully, there are a wide variety of products that are made specifically for these circumstances, and we can help you find exactly what you need in order to make your daily routine easier.

Knee & Hip Surgery Checklist Tag: lift chairs

A-P X-ray of a complete hip replacement. Photo credit the American National Institutes of Health on Wikimedia.

Hip replacement and knee replacement surgery are some of the most common surgeries performed in Canada. While recovery times vary for everyone, the majority of patients take from 6 to 8 weeks to recover fully.

During that time period, you'll need a few things to help keep you mobile, safe, and supported. We've put together a list of some of the most common equipment needed by those recovering from hip and knee surgeries. For the most part, both kinds of surgeries require the same items, with only a few exceptions.

Lift Chairs – Not One Size Fits All Tag: lift chairs

It's a common misconception that picking a lift chair is just as easy as picking a new sofa: You choose a style, a color that you like, and you're done.

Not so fast!

Although style and color are important features of your lift chair, there are many other equally important aspects to take into consideration — after all, your health and comfort is at stake! So we've decided to break down the main features you should be taking a look at when choosing a lift chair.