Archives June 2020

Choosing the Right Aids for Daily Living

Living independently and being able to rely on yourself is something that can sometimes be a challenge. Particularly now during the Coronavirus pandemic, when many of us are finding ourselves isolated, away from our usual support system of friends and family.

Adjusting to life in isolation can be a stressful experience and having the right equipment will certainly help make the change easier to deal with.

Having access to the right aids also helps relieve a lot of stress and makes it easier to gain independence in the best of times. 

We offer a lot of items that can help with performing household tasks that might otherwise be a struggle. Read more about some daily items that might be useful to have around the house. 

How To Look After Your Wellbeing During A Period Of Self-Isolation

Person looking out of window from inside house

For the most vulnerable in society the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just presented a health risk - the self-isolation it’s required has also taken its toll on their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

That’s why we’ve created this post, with a guide to some of the activities, practices, and general advice you can follow to help lift your spirits if you’re in a period of extended isolation.