
Common Scams Targeting Seniors To Beware Of Category: News

Old woman in front of computer

Scams have always been around, but in the present day, with the proliferation of internet scams and their increasing complexity, it’s important to ensure that any elderly relatives are being cautious. Scammers will often target elderly people specifically, hoping to prey on their lack of technological savvy or take advantage of any confusion. 

Scams can come in a wide range of forms, from claiming to sell a product or service, offering an investment opportunity, or even catfishing and relationship scams. 

No matter what the scam is, the preventative measures are the same: it’s a matter of knowledge, education, and exercising caution. 

If concerned about a loved one, make sure you keep an eye out for any signs of large cash withdrawals or suspicious communications. And make sure you’re knowledgeable when it comes to scams by reading the rest of this article on some of the primary scams that can target the elderly.

How To Look After Your Wellbeing During A Period Of Self-Isolation Category: News

Person looking out of window from inside house

For the most vulnerable in society the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just presented a health risk - the self-isolation it’s required has also taken its toll on their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

That’s why we’ve created this post, with a guide to some of the activities, practices, and general advice you can follow to help lift your spirits if you’re in a period of extended isolation.

Coronavirus Advice For Caregivers And Wheelchair Users Category: News

woman in wheelchair smiling at laptop on table

Nothing is more important to us than our community of valued clients. And having worked to provide aids and equipment to people with a variety of conditions and disabilities, we’re aware of how hard this current climate is for our customers.

With that in mind, here’s our advice as to some of the best practices and guidance for our customers to navigate accessibility issues during the COVID-19 crisis.

No matter what you do—it’s essential to check with professional medical advice first, and this can be found by consulting your doctor or visiting the official government website

MS Society of Canada: Support With More Than Money! Category: News

The MS Society of Canada was founded in 1948 to provide support and services to those suffering from multiple sclerosis. They also raise funding for MS cure and prevention research. Communities all across Canada come together once a year for the MS Walk, MS Bike, and MS Golf, as well as I Challenge MS and Women Against MS, raising awareness of the disease and collecting donations to help and support those affected by it. Their website is also a great way to send in a monetary donation at any time of the year.

But did you know that financial donations aren’t the only way you can help?

Wishes for Wheels by Motion Concepts Category: News

Red Dot-winning medical equipment manufacturer Motion Composites has launched a program called Wishes for Wheels, where they give away one free manual wheelchair every quarter this year! The program is open to residents of Canada and the US, and you do not need to meet any financial qualifications or submit any proof of income to participate — you can apply no matter what your financial means are. Learn more!