One size fits all!
The iWALK is adjustable! Upper leg straps can be tightened or loosened depending on the width of your upper thigh. The lower leg straps are adjustable and can be fitted to your residual leg length.
STOP SUFFERING from the pain and inconvenience of conventional crutches!
The iWALK3.0 lets you continue your daily routine with little to no interruption. Best of all, you can use your hands!
Think of all the things you can’t do when using conventional crutches; preparing a meal, walking your dog, carrying a cup of coffee, pushing a shopping cart. Well, you no longer need to have your life interrupted - the iWALK3.0 sets you free to resume your day to day routine and enjoy pain free, functional mobility.
Stop sitting on the sidelines of your own life because a lower leg injury is impeding your mobility.The iWALK3.0 allows you continue your daily routine with little to no interruption, all while safely letting your lower leg injury heal.
The iWALK3.0 is a crutch alternative for non-weight bearing lower leg injuries that frees the user from the limitations of conventional crutches. No more pain, nerve damage, or using your arms to support your weight, because the iWALK3.0 enables the user to walk normally without using your upper body to provide support.
If you need to be non weight bearing for any length of time and do not want give up your traditional daily routine, the iWALK3.0 is for you!
The below knee amputee community is raving about the benefits the iWALK3.0 has for below knee amputees. Whether you’re pre-amputation, post-amputation, or already using your permanent prosthetic, iWALK3.0 is a game changing temporary lower leg prosthetic that many BKAs use daily.
Aside from the standard requirements for establishing if you can use the iWALK3.0, below knee amputees also need to have a minimum of 4” (10cm) of residual limb. You also need to be able to tolerate weight on that shin. There may be other complications, but in our experience, most BKA’s adapt easily to the iWALK3.0.
Unfortunately, above knee amputees cannot use the iWALK3.0 without a prosthetic assistive device.
Its a Mobility Training Wheel: Imagine if there was a way to practice walking on a prosthetic before your amputation. Now there is! Technically speaking, the iWALK3.0 is an exo-skeletal temporary lower leg prosthetic, so using it before your surgery is going to help teach you how to walk with a prosthetic lower leg. Knowing that you can use the iWALK3.0 soon after your surgery gives you solace that you can go back to your day-to-day activities right away.
Maintain Muscle Strength: One of the biggest issues with post operative below knee amputations is muscle atrophy. If inactive, the average person’s muscles atrophy 1.5 to 2% per day! This is especially significant for below knee amputees, because eventually you will begin the process of adapting to a permanent prosthetic. This is hard enough, but when you factor in the effects of significant muscle loss, a difficult task becomes even more so. By using the iWALK3 .0 post-amputation / pre-prosthetic you can maintain your muscle mass and be well conditioned and ready when the time comes to transition to a permanent prosthetic.
The iWALK is adjustable! Upper leg straps can be tightened or loosened depending on the width of your upper thigh. The lower leg straps are adjustable and can be fitted to your residual leg length.
*Not all products available in all locations - Please call your nearest location to confirm availability. Prices may vary based on what is available.